By joining HL Tech you will work on fintech projects. Our goal is the strategic digital transformation of the British financial giant Hargreaves Lansdown. We have a clear task: to provide secure software that will help investors perform their financial operations.

We develop top quality software based on collocated and autonomous teams. We use DDD to develop and implement system architectures. We employ the latest versions of the Spring ecosystem (including Boot, Cloud, Data, etc.) and microservice applications, focusing on the automation of integration and implementation processes.

The Backend Team consists of several dozen software developers and is led by Tomasz Czerwiński – Backend Functional Lead.

  • Java 11
  • Docker
  • Spring Boot
  • Spock
  • JMS
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring 5
  • REST
  • Kubernetes
  • Agile (SCRUM)
  • DDD
  • TDD
  • Event Storming

Recruitment process

1.Telephone interview

contact initiated by HR or Functional Lead

2. Meeting

conversation with HR + technical interview (software developers, Backend Functional Lead, Software Development Manager)

  • Java 11
  • Docker
  • Spring Boot
  • Spock
  • JMS
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring 5
  • REST
  • Kubernetes
  • Agile (SCRUM)
  • DDD
  • TDD
  • Event Storming

HL Tech - Tech stack

Check out other technologies we work with. Our tech stack is not limited – and this makes it possible for our people to adapt it to project requirements.

Welcome on board

The beginning of work is a key stage. The success of both a new employee and the employer depends on it. Learn more about what our onboarding programme looks like.