Welcome on board!

We believe that the right onboarding of new employees is key to their development. We do our best to make it as comprehensive as possible. What does this mean?

The onboarding starts on the day you are hired and lasts around 3 months. It is the time of getting to know each other, from a formal and a not-so-formal side.

First weeks at HL Tech

On the first day of work we invite you to visit our office in Warsaw (even if you are about to work remotely and you don’t live in the capital). The day is dedicated to completing all formal matters related to employment such as paperwork, occupational health and safety, or picking up your computer and checking if everything works.

On this day you usually meet your buddy and your direct manager. Having lunch together (paid by the company) is a good opportunity to get to know each other :)  The rest of the onboarding takes place remotely. During the first weeks you participate in many meetings and get to know a lot of people. You are introduced to the company’s strategy, get to know the tools and technologies that we use, as well as the general rules of cooperation. Obviously, you also join a specific team and get to know the project. Thanks to this process you feel less stressed and we have a chance to get to know you better :)

The Buddy Programme

A “Buddy” is an employee who will take you under his or her wing in the early stage of your employment. It is a person you can turn to with any question or concern. You have the right to not know “what, where, and how.” Your buddy, being a seasoned employee, will know the answers to most of your questions – if not, he will be able to refer you to the right person. It is also a person with whom you will probably eat many lunches and drink many coffees while getting to know the company from a less formal side. If you would like to see how the programme works at HL Tech, we recommend you have a look at the article: “Need some Buddy?”

HL Tech - Tech stack

Check out other technologies we work with. Our tech stack is not limited – and this makes it possible for our people to adapt it to project requirements.

Join us!

We are looking for the best experts in their fields who are enthusiastic about their work, and for whom quality and teamwork are the most important values.